House of Faith
2219 W. Orange, Anaheim 92804 714-535-9654
We lovingly care for the gift & expression of God's abundant grace, so that it grows among
us and spreads beyond us.
At the end of July,
Faith on Orange will be
fresh & clean,
with smooth paving.
Watch this space for updates!
Faith Lutheran Church began in a private home in 1955. In the growing community of West Anaheim in the mid-20th century, it didn't take long for the budding congregation to grow and thrive as well.
We worship and lead our ministries in a church building that was completed in 1966, featuring a large and spacious sanctuary. We share our property with Big Adventure Child Care, as well as the Boy Scout Troop 365.
Faith Lutheran Church is a proud and committed member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA,, which is comprised of 4 million members in nearly 10,000 congregations across all fifty states and the Caribbean.
Our congregation is rooted in our Lutheran faith, we are guided by grace.
Scripture tells us: "We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ". (Romans 3:24).
In gratitude for this amazing gift, we extend grace to all who we encounter! Come and experience grace at Faith Lutheran Church, each Sunday mornign at 10:00am.